What are negatives about chiropractors?

Compression of the nerves in the lower spine. A certain type of stroke after neck manipulation. Treatment can be costly, especially if it's ongoing or if it requires special equipment. In addition, some insurance plans don't cover chiropractic care.

This means that patients must pay for their care out of pocket, which can be expensive depending on the frequency and duration of the treatments required. Some insurance plans may only cover part of the cost of chiropractic services, leaving patients with a hefty bill. Chiropractors may not have the same level of medical training as doctors, which can lead to some disadvantages in chiropractic treatment. For example, chiropractors may not be able to diagnose conditions that are outside of your area of expertise.

Some people believe that chiropractors are not qualified to provide medical care and may instead choose to see a doctor. Most chiropractors perform high-risk procedures that, if performed incorrectly, can negatively affect the patient's nervous system and spinal cord. Chiropractors must be very careful when performing all procedures to maintain a good reputation. Studies that looked at muscle activity found that after a chiropractic adjustment, muscle activity was reduced by 25%.

Working with 28 adult patients with scoliosis, they found that both the reported pain and the observed Cobb angle (a measure used to assess the magnitude of spinal deformities) had improved. Surprisingly, 28% of the participants who were treated by a chiropractor stated that they did not feel pain at the end of the project. A review of the literature on this condition highlighted a study involving 15 pediatric epileptic patients. There is evidence to suggest that visiting a chiropractor regularly gives you 200% more immunity compared to those that they don't.